
The Final Chapter

We live in an age filled with people considered as influencers. An influencer is characterized as someone who carries influence over individuals. Influencer marketing is a type of marketing where a company focuses on using influencers to promote a brand message to boost their own brand. A social media influencer, slightly different than just an influencer, is someone who uses their influence through the use of social media platforms. There is estimated to be more than 50 million creators worldwide and the industry is thriving. Out of those 50 million creators, there is an estimated $100 billion within the industry. The main characteristic that makes an influencer valuable is the reach they have. There are several different levels of reach an influencer can have. A nano-influencer will only have a reach of 1,000-10,000 followers while a mega-influencer will have a reach of over a million followers. To maintain a large reach, an influencer must be authentic. Dishonest influencers will lo

The End

The end has finally approached us and has become reality. It still feels like the first weeks of August to me where I first stepped into the classroom. I am so grateful for this semester at Ohio Northern University as I believe I learned the most I ever have before. I not only excelled academically but also learned so many important life lessons. This place will forever hold a very special place in my heart as it turned me into a whole different person since I graduated high school. I am excited to go back to Tennessee and reconnect with all of my old friends, but there will always be a missing feeling of not having my buddies there. Luckily, I live in an age where technology can allow us to connect and disconnect with each other in a click of a button. This not only makes moving back to a different state easier for me but also takes a lot of stress off of me. I feel confident that the relationships I have built here will last as long as I am willing to stay connected. It is not the bi

Chapter 13 Recap

Social media campaigns are a great idea to add into a company's social media strategy. This campaign is a coordinated marketing effort to be able to communicate with a target audience in order to achieve a business goal. These campaigns will have specific start and end dates and they will try to persuade followers to buy or do something. These campaigns are very influential in consumers' choices in what they purchase and when they do it. It also is an important strategy that can help boost consumer brand perception. The most common model businesses use for social media campaigns is called AIDA. This acronym breaks down to attention, interest, desire, action. A business who incorporates a campaign into their strategy will need to follow this for efficient results. The first step is for the business to grab the attention of the consumer. This can be done through the use of colorful graphics or interesting media. After garnering interest, they must spark interest in the campaign t

The End is Near

I am finally understanding the cliché saying of "time goes by in a blink of an eye." It feels like just last week when I arrived back on campus from summer break. That was over three months ago yet it feels like it happened so recently. The end of this semester has hit me a little harder than my previous semesters here at Ohio Northern. Next Friday will mark my final day at this University as a student and it will mark the end of my time in Ohio. Due to a lighter course load this semester, I have been blessed with no final exams. As of writing this blog, I have a little less than nine days on campus before I have to say goodbye and close this chapter of my life. I have been nothing short of blessed to have met the many new friends I have now from this place. This place has taught me many life lessons that I am also grateful to have experienced. I have been able to better understand the importance of living in the moment and enjoying every second in your life. I also have been

Chapter 12 Recap

Writing blogs has been going on ever since the 1990s, where the blog itself looked a little different from the ones we write today. It mainly was written as an online diary where people wrote over their daily lives instead of specific topics. In 1994, the first blog was ever created by a college student whose name was Justin Hall. The term blog came to be in 1997 from the combination of the words "web" and "log." Since the creation of the first blog, it has exploded into popularity among all ages. Over three quarters of the internet read blogs and it has become easier to access blogs. Blogs now pertain to more topics such as sports related blogs to cooking blogs. The increase in popularity mixed with the increase of platforms that offer blog creation to users has created a drastic increase in blogs being created. Businesses have an opportunity to capitalize off this increase in popularity over blogs. Many businesses have began to use blogs to disseminate information

Travelling Alone

This past weekend I decided to take a trip to State College, Pennsylvania. The motivation behind taking the trip was to see my grandparents who have a house there. It has been about a year and a half since I have last seen them and I realized I had a great opportunity to see them. I had planned the trip about three weeks ago and it was the first trip I had ever fully planned. My plane left Friday afternoon and landed in State College in the evening. It was the first time I ever flew in a smaller sized plane that only has two seats per row. I felt like royalty once we landed because we walked out of the plane instead of the typical ramp they use in other airports. My grandparents spoiled me to a Penn State wrestling match in the evening which would become the first wrestling match I had ever watched. The next day was the main event where my Grandma would treat me to the Penn State vs Maryland football game. Penn State came into the game ranked while Maryland did not. It was a lot of fun

Tikky Tok

TikTok is a revolutionary app that came to exist recently. Owned by the Chinese company, ByteDance, TikTok took off in growth after the 2020 pandemic. As of 2022, there are 1 billion active users on the app which ranks them 6th among all of the social media giants. TikTok consists of short videos in which users get to like and comment on. Much of the app is filled with viral challenges that are created by users and by trendy songs. TikTok is unique in that their algorithm is purely organic which allows any user to have the chance to go viral. It also has the highest engagement rate of all social media platforms sitting at 10.85 minutes per session per user. This makes it the perfect place to build your personal brand as you have a higher chance for users to see your content.  TikTok can be a perfect place for businesses to kickstart their brand through their organic algorithm. On average a business will receive 200,000 views with a nine percent engagement rate on their content. This is