The End is Near

I am finally understanding the cliché saying of "time goes by in a blink of an eye." It feels like just last week when I arrived back on campus from summer break. That was over three months ago yet it feels like it happened so recently. The end of this semester has hit me a little harder than my previous semesters here at Ohio Northern. Next Friday will mark my final day at this University as a student and it will mark the end of my time in Ohio. Due to a lighter course load this semester, I have been blessed with no final exams. As of writing this blog, I have a little less than nine days on campus before I have to say goodbye and close this chapter of my life. I have been nothing short of blessed to have met the many new friends I have now from this place. This place has taught me many life lessons that I am also grateful to have experienced. I have been able to better understand the importance of living in the moment and enjoying every second in your life. I also have been shown that there will always be adversities in life no matter where you go to. There have been so many opportunities that I have taken advantage of while being here. Some include being on the basketball team and also attending the several business speakers that have come to Dicke. I can confidently say that when I leave here, I will be leaving with an abundance of thankfulness for the many lives God has allowed me to meet. I am excited for my next chapter in my life in attending the University of Tennessee, although I will always remember my roots here at Ohio Northern.


  1. Hey Max I hope you enjoyed ONU. That is awesome that you are going to Tennessee. I imagine that the lifestyle there is going to be a little different then what we got here in Ada. Neither the less good luck on your next chapter and I hope ONU made an impact on you.

  2. I am glad this state has given you the experiences necessary to be a better person. The culture of Ada won't compare to your future homes, good luck in the next chapter. Just always remember to flip the page!


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