Pinterest, Pinterest, Pinterest!

Pinterest is a social media platform that I believe is greatly unused. The platform allows users to create and share "pins" which are most commonly an image, video, or link to another source. Users have the opportunity to save these pins and organize them into a "board." Founded in 2009 by a group of college friends, Pinterest was originally created as a platform for people to showcase a collection of things they were interested in. It is fascinating to see the versatility that Pinterest has for businesses that want to market their goods on. A business can create a business account and then create their first Pinterest board which should cater to their desired demographic. A key component when creating a board is to include keywords in the titles so that users will see the board more often. The business user than should include visually appealing pins to the board which reflect what the business does. The final touch is for them to select a cover pin that will be seen before seeing the full board. 

This past week, I received the opportunity to create my own Pinterest board. This was the first time I had used the social media platform and was confused by the user-interface at first. It took a little bit of time to get used to how it worked, but I began to enjoy using Pinterest once I got into a groove. As I scrolled through the endless selection of pins, I continued to find new ideas that I could use for my board. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience with my creation of my board and even installed the app on my phone. Pinterest can be a great platform to utilize for an increase in creativity and ideas.


  1. Pinterest just doesn't appeal to me. Even when we talked about it in class it did not peak my interest. Maybe with the assignment coming up my mind will change.


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