Infinite Possibilities

I believe sometimes humans take for granted all that life has to offer. The amount of adventures and places to explore on Earth are nearly endless. It is easy for us to get in situations where we feel overly content with where we are and forget that we can go anywhere. I am very grateful to have explored several unique locations such as the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Park. As I continue to get older, I realize that visiting these types of places more frequently can become a reality if you can set up a plan to do so. There is also so much to be seen outside of the United States. I have never been able to visit Europe or Mexico but these two places are on my highest priority to explore. Out of all the countries in Europe, Spain strikes me as the most interesting place due to the unique culture of the Spanish. From the Running of the Bulls to experiencing their cultural dishes, I feel like this would be a very overwhelming experience that I would benefit from. European countries such as Spain, France, and the United Kingdom are one of the top tourist locations for good reason, but I personally think the best locations are those not generally visited. One of these locations that come to my mind are the selection of islands to choose from in Greece. Santorini is one of their most popular, but there are over 220 islands to see. It is nice to have a place or community to call home, but it is just as nice to be able to create a new home away from home. There are an endless amount of vacations to be taken to truly enjoy all that Earth has to offer. I hope to take advantage of the opportunity and explore as much as I can, and would recommend to you to do the same. At the end of our lives, we will never say we wish we worked another hour. We will instead think back on all the memories we created, and it is safe to argue that a good bit of these will come from vacations. 


  1. I agree that humans often take for granted all that life has to offer. Sometimes the greatest experiences come when you are willing to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. I think it is awesome you are recognizing while in college the importance of traveling and experiencing other cultures. Being able to start planning and saving now will pay off big time later.

  2. Being able to travel is one of my goals in the future. I’m a big believer in spending money on experiences rather than tangible things. That’s so cool that you’ve had the opportunity to travel. I was supposed to spend time in Europe last year, but my plans were ruined by COVID. I was supposed to go to Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Italy. Hopefully I will be able to go in the near future!


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