Approaching the Final Stretch

After this weekend, the students of Ohio Northern will be approaching the final stretch until finals. We have approximately four weeks until Thanksgiving break. Once Thanksgiving break is over, we will only have two more weeks of schoolwork before finals. While this still seems like a lot of time, it has already been two weeks since our fall break. Personally, these past two weeks have gone by faster than usual and I feel these final weeks will only go by faster. Although we will still have to deal with projects and essays, I think it is important for students to remember we are only in college for a finite amount of time. We should try and make the most of these final weeks by whatever means we find necessary. 
What are some fun events that will take place at Ohio Northern over the next few weeks? There is only one more home football game and the team will be facing against Wilmington. I encourage all students to experience at least one of these games because they are a lot of fun. Winter sports are starting soon as men's and women's basketball will be playing games in November. Both teams should be really good this year so the games will be worth the watch. If you enjoy the arts, there are several music recitals and plays that will take place across campus. There are opportunities everywhere on campus for students to spend their time differently than just staying in their dorm. We might be in the remote town of Ada, but there are endless ways to enjoy this university.


  1. I agree, these past couple weeks have flown by. Part of me is ready for Christmas break, but at the same time I feel like I have a lot of projects left to do. Attending the sports games and musical events is not only great entertainment, but also a great way to support fellow Ohio Northern students.

  2. I realized two weeks passed quickly after fall break in the aftermath of the break as well. There are only a couple of weeks until the end of this semester, and I felt a little upset to make the most of the time I still have. Also, ONU has a lot of things I don’t know yet so I thought it is important to try something new.

  3. I have been counting down the days to the end of the semester. I know I probably shouldn't but I like accomplishing things. It makes me feel like I get things down after a successful semester. I look forward to attending some basketball games this winter. GO BEARS!

  4. I found that a good number of students count down the number of weeks left with a positive and excited attitude. I am the exact opposite. Even though Thanksgiving break is a nice but hard atmosphere to get assignments done there are many assignments and final projects that need to be buckled down on. I have only been to one football game. It was the Homecoming game. It was hard to enjoy with our players getting harassed and beat up by the other team.


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