Countdown for Our First Break

The community of polar bears here at Ohio Northern should feel excitement going into these final two weeks before our fall break. We are exactly nine school days away from a long awaited four day break where we all can replenish our academic energy. I have enjoyed our first five weeks on campus but am thrilled to be able to head back to Nashville and enjoy a few days of the southern fall weather. We still have nine school days which means we have not escaped mid-term exams just yet. To be honest, I am unsure when all of mine will be. The only major assignment I have remaining is a paper due next Friday, which makes me thankful to be taking a lighter load of classes this semester. I hope most of my peers get to have a great fall break and enjoy the time at home.
My fall break will be filled with fun activities while my family travels together to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. We will take a few days to explore the Great Smoky Mountains which is famous for the morning fog the mountains produce. I am excited to visit this national park again as I have not been there in over five years. We will also visit the University of Tennessee Knoxville and I will get to meet up with a lot of my friends. I will head back to campus on October eleventh and be ready to attack whatever assignments come my way. 


  1. Hi Max, I am jealous that you are going to the Great Smoky Mountains over break. But just like you I am very excited about this break. Being a student athlete I feel somedays I don't even have time to breath. I sometimes even forget to eat. I love Ada and everything it has to offer but sometimes I need to get away from everything.


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